Good news! Your name is Stand.

Yes, with a d. Pretty great, I know.

Now the bad news: Everybody else is also Stand. But you're the original one, they know it, and they don't like it. You tried to avoid conflict using your words, but it didn't work. It led to a deadlock... A standoff, if you will.

Well, words weren't enough, and now they're changing tactics: Butt kicking. They're coming, show them who's boss!

Aim with mouse, shoot with LMB, restart with Space / R, pause with Esc / Q.

Music and sound effects from ZapSplat.

A game for the Game Jam 2024.

Published 24 days ago
GenreShooter, Action
Made withGodot, Aseprite
Tags2D, Funny, Top-Down, Top down shooter
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

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